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Pengelli Primary School Pengelli Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Pengelli Your best is always good enough




In line with WG announcement:


The children will be returning to school on Thursday 6th January 

As notified before the Christmas Break, we have reintroduced the staggered start and finish times The times for each class are: 

Y5/6  08:45 - 15:15
Y3/4 08:50 - 15:20
Y1/2 08:55 - 15:10
Rec 09:00 - 15:00
Na.m. 09:00 - 11:20
Np.m. 13:00 - 15:00


As with last academic year, if you have children in more than one class I have arranged times so that they are arriving and leaving at the same time. - I have posted timetables on each class page on Dojo.


We will also revert to the one way system for parents whereby Y1/2 parents will exit via the N/R yard.
I would also ask that all parents wear a facemask on the school yard please.

All staff will be in on 4th and 5th January, planning for the return. I will keep you updated with any other changes if, and when they arise.


Thank you


Helen Talaat